Commercial Mortgage Broker

Commercial mortgages are essential for business owners looking to purchase property or land for business use. Whether you plan to move, expand, or improve your company premises, a commercial mortgage is the best option for you. Commercial mortgage interest rates are tailored to meet the strength of the proposal, and the rate you receive depends on various factors such as management experience, industry, business financials, the property itself, and available security. Some lenders also consider long leases as viable security options.

Commercial Mortgage Loan Broker

Alpha Capital has played a pivotal role in helping many businesses achieve their goals by securing the loans they desire. Our commercial mortgage brokers have assisted companies across a range of industries, including restaurants and SME businesses, to obtain the necessary financing to grow and thrive. By providing tailored financial solutions, we ensure that your business can work for you, allowing you to focus on what you do best.

Success Stories

Restaurant Expansion: A local restaurant looking to open new locations worked with Alpha Capital to secure a commercial mortgage with favorable terms. This enabled them to expand their brand and increase their market presence.

SME Growth: An SME business in the manufacturing sector needed funds to upgrade their equipment and facilities. Alpha Capital’s brokers helped them secure a competitive mortgage, supporting their growth and operational efficiency.


Commercial Mortgage Advisors

Alpha Capital makes sure your business works for you by offering personalized advice and leveraging our extensive network of lenders. Our expertise in various industries allows us to provide insights and solutions tailored to your specific needs. Whether you are in the hospitality, retail, healthcare, or any other sector, our commercial mortgage brokers are here to help you achieve your business objectives with ease and confidence.

Commercial Loans Broker

Flexible Loan Amounts
Apply for a minimum of £25,001 and choose a loan term from 3 to 25 years. This flexibility allows you to tailor the loan to match your business’s financial plans and repayment capabilities, ensuring manageable monthly payments and long-term financial health.

High Loan-to-Value Ratios
Borrow up to 80% of the property value. In some circumstances, we may be able to secure even more funding. This higher loan-to-value ratio can significantly reduce the upfront capital you need, allowing you to preserve working capital for other business needs.

Customizable Interest Rates
Choose between fixed or variable rates. Our top commercial mortgage brokers make sure that you get the best deal, analyzing market trends and negotiating terms that benefit your financial situation, providing stability or flexibility as needed.

Capital Repayment Holidays
Capital repayment holidays may be available. This option can provide crucial breathing space for your business, especially during periods of cash flow constraint or significant business transitions, by temporarily reducing your financial obligations.

Bespoke Terms
We may be able to help with bespoke terms to suit your requirements. Our brokers understand that each business is unique, and they work diligently to tailor mortgage terms that align perfectly with your specific business goals and financial circumstances.

Property Utilization
The property may include an aspect of rental area to a third party. This feature allows you to generate additional income through renting out part of your property, thereby enhancing your overall return on investment and supporting your mortgage repayments.

Commercial Mortgage Agent

At Alpha Capital, we understand that acquiring or expanding your business premises is a significant decision. That’s why we offer commercial mortgage solutions tailored to meet your specific needs. Whether you’re planning to purchase a new property or invest in land for business use, our experienced team of commercial mortgage brokers is here to guide you through the process.

When you choose Alpha Capital as your commercial mortgage broker, you have the flexibility to apply for a minimum loan amount of £25,001. 

This ensures that even smaller-scale projects can access necessary funding without excessive financial burdens. 

We recognize that each business has unique requirements, and we ensure that our loan terms are customizable to fit your specific circumstances.


With loan terms ranging from 3 to 25 years, you can choose the duration that aligns with your long-term business goals. Whether you prefer a shorter term to pay off your mortgage quickly or a longer term to reduce monthly payments, our flexible options are designed to accommodate your financial strategy. Our goal is to provide a financing solution that supports your business’s growth and stability, allowing you to focus on your core operations and expansion plans.
Moreover, Alpha Capital’s team of commercial mortgage brokers is committed to offering personalized service and expert advice throughout the entire mortgage process. We work closely with you to understand your business objectives, financial situation, and future plans, ensuring that the mortgage you receive is perfectly suited to your needs. By partnering with us, you can rest assured that you’re making a sound financial decision that will benefit your business for years to come.

High Loan-to-Value Ratios

We recognize that securing adequate funding is crucial when it comes to commercial property investments. With Alpha Capital, you can borrow up to 80% of the property value, providing you with substantial financial support to acquire or improve your business premises. This high loan-to-value ratio means that you can preserve more of your capital for other essential business operations and investments.

In certain circumstances, we may even be able to secure additional funding beyond the 80% threshold. Our dedicated team will thoroughly assess your business’s financials, the property’s potential, and other relevant factors to negotiate the best possible funding package on your behalf. 

This personalized approach ensures that you receive the maximum financial assistance available, tailored to your unique business needs.


Our commercial mortgage brokers have extensive experience in evaluating various business scenarios and property types. By leveraging our expertise and relationships with a wide range of lenders, we can explore all available options to secure additional funding if your situation warrants it. Whether it’s a prime location property, a high-potential development project, or a specialized industry requirement, we strive to find solutions that provide you with the necessary financial resources.

At Alpha Capital, we understand that each business has distinct financial challenges and opportunities. Our commitment is to support you in overcoming these challenges by providing flexible and substantial funding options. By borrowing up to 80% of the property value, you can take significant strides toward achieving your business objectives, with the confidence that you have a reliable financial partner in Alpha Capital.

Customizable Interest Rates

When it comes to commercial mortgages, having the flexibility to choose the right interest rate structure is essential. At Alpha Capital, we offer you the option to select between fixed or variable rates, allowing you to tailor your mortgage to suit your financial strategy and risk tolerance.

Fixed rates provide stability and predictability, ensuring that your monthly payments remain consistent over the agreed-upon term. This can be particularly beneficial for businesses that prefer to have a clear, unchanging repayment schedule, making it easier to budget and manage cash flow. With a fixed-rate mortgage, you are protected from potential interest rate hikes, giving you peace of mind and financial security.

On the other hand, variable rates offer the potential for savings if interest rates decrease. This option can be advantageous for businesses that are comfortable with some level of risk and want to take advantage of potentially lower rates in the future. 


Variable rates can fluctuate based on market conditions, which means your payments could decrease, allowing you to save on interest costs over the life of the loan.

Our team of commercial mortgage brokers at Alpha Capital will provide you with comprehensive information and personalized advice to help you make an informed decision. We take into account your business’s financial strategy, current market conditions, and your long-term goals. By understanding your unique situation, we can recommend the most suitable rate option for your needs.

Whether you opt for the predictability of a fixed rate or the potential savings of a variable rate, Alpha Capital is committed to ensuring that you secure the best deal possible. Our expertise and dedication to your success mean that you can trust us to guide you through this important financial decision, helping you achieve your business objectives with confidence.

Capital Repayment Holidays

We understand that businesses may encounter fluctuations in cash flow or require additional resources for other strategic initiatives. That’s why we offer the possibility of capital repayment holidays. This feature allows you to defer making principal repayments for a specified period, giving you the flexibility and breathing space you need to manage your finances effectively.

Capital repayment holidays can be particularly beneficial during times of financial uncertainty or when your business needs to allocate funds towards critical projects or opportunities for growth. By temporarily suspending principal repayments, you can maintain a stronger cash flow position, ensuring that your business has the resources it needs to navigate challenges or capitalize on new opportunities.

Our team at Alpha Capital will work closely with you to explore this option and determine if it aligns with your business’s cash flow requirements. We will assess your financial situation, understand your specific needs, and tailor a repayment holiday plan that provides the support you need without compromising your long-term financial health.

Furthermore, capital repayment holidays are designed to offer temporary relief without significantly impacting your overall loan terms. Our goal is to provide you with a flexible financing solution that adapts to your business’s changing circumstances, helping you maintain financial stability and achieve your objectives.

Alpha Capital is committed to supporting your business through every phase of its journey. By offering options like capital repayment holidays, we ensure that you have the necessary tools to manage your finances effectively and focus on what matters most—growing and sustaining your business.

Bespoke Mortgage Terms

Every business is unique, and we recognize that your commercial mortgage needs may vary. At Alpha Capital, we pride ourselves on offering personalized and bespoke solutions to meet your specific requirements. Our experienced team will work closely with you, taking the time to understand your business objectives and tailor the mortgage terms accordingly.

Whether you need flexible repayment options, preferential interest rates, or customized features, we will strive to structure a commercial mortgage that suits your individual needs. Our bespoke terms are designed to align with your business strategy, ensuring that you receive the financial support necessary to achieve your goals.

Flexible repayment options can include varying payment schedules, allowing you to adjust repayments based on your cash flow patterns. This can be particularly beneficial for seasonal businesses or those experiencing rapid growth. Preferential interest rates are negotiated to offer you the most cost-effective financing, reducing your overall borrowing costs and improving your bottom line.

In addition to these features, we can customize other aspects of your mortgage agreement to better fit your operational needs. This might involve incorporating special clauses, adjusting collateral requirements, or providing additional funding flexibility as your business evolves. Our goal is to remove financial barriers and create a mortgage solution that is as dynamic and adaptable as your business.

Alpha Capital’s commitment to bespoke mortgage solutions means that you are not confined to a one-size-fits-all approach. Instead, you receive a financing package that is thoughtfully designed to support your unique business circumstances and long-term aspirations. With our personalized service, you can focus on growing your business, confident in the knowledge that your commercial mortgage is structured to work in your favor.

Property Utilization

In the realm of commercial real estate, properties often encompass additional rental areas that present opportunities for supplementary income generation. These spaces, whether they are separate offices, retail units, or storage facilities, represent a significant aspect of maximizing investment potential. When evaluating a commercial property for purchase or financing, it becomes crucial to assess the feasibility and potential rental income of these additional areas.

By leveraging these rental spaces effectively, investors can optimize their returns and enhance the overall financial performance of the property. This approach not only diversifies revenue streams but also mitigates risks associated with vacancy periods in the primary space. Moreover, strategic leasing of such areas to reputable tenants can enhance the property’s marketability and long-term value.


Our team specializes in analyzing these opportunities, ensuring that your commercial mortgage is structured in a manner that aligns with your investment goals. Whether it involves calculating potential rental yields, understanding local market dynamics, or negotiating lease terms, we are committed to guiding you through every step of maximizing the income potential from these rental spaces.

By incorporating these considerations into your investment strategy, you can effectively harness the full economic potential of your commercial property, making it a robust asset within your portfolio.

Commercial Investment Mortgages

AlphaCapital specializes in facilitating commercial investment mortgages tailored for individuals and businesses involved in the real estate sector, particularly as commercial brokers. These mortgages are designed to support the acquisition or refinancing of commercial properties intended primarily for rental purposes. Our offerings extend to mixed-use or semi-commercial properties, providing flexible financing solutions to match the unique needs of our clients.

Commercial investment mortgage rates are meticulously structured to align with the strength and viability of each investment proposal. Factors influencing these rates include the property type, the creditworthiness of the tenant, the duration of lease agreements, and the borrower’s track record in property investment. At AlphaCapital, we leverage our extensive network to secure exclusive deals from reputable lenders, ensuring competitive terms that maximize the profitability of your investment.

Our approach emphasizes thorough credit assessments and affordability tests conducted by lenders, ensuring that every application is meticulously reviewed for approval. This meticulous process not only safeguards the interests of our clients but also enhances the likelihood of securing favorable financing terms.

Whether you are expanding your commercial property portfolio, refinancing existing assets, or venturing into semi-commercial ventures, AlphaCapital is committed to providing personalized guidance and access to bespoke mortgage solutions. Our goal is to empower clients in achieving their investment objectives while optimizing returns in the dynamic commercial real estate market.

Apply for a minimum of £100,000

Whether you’re embarking on a new commercial venture or expanding your existing portfolio, our minimum loan threshold of £100,000 ensures that we cater to a wide range of investment needs. This allows you the flexibility to pursue opportunities that align with your financial goals and growth aspirations in the dynamic real estate market.

Spread the cost over 5 to 25 years

Our flexible repayment terms enable you to manage cash flow effectively by spreading the loan repayment over a period ranging from 5 to 25 years. This extended timeline ensures that your financial obligations are structured in a manner that aligns with the anticipated income streams from your commercial property investments, providing stability and long-term sustainability.

Borrow up to 80% of the property value. In some circumstances we may be able to secure more funding (subject to additional security)

 Alpha Capital offers financing options that allow you to borrow up to 80% of the property’s appraised value, providing substantial leverage for your investment. Depending on specific circumstances and additional security measures, we can explore opportunities to secure funding beyond the standard 80%, enhancing your capacity to capitalize on lucrative real estate opportunities.

Choose between fixed or variable rates

Tailor your financing strategy to suit your risk tolerance and market outlook by selecting either fixed or variable interest rates. Fixed rates offer stability and predictability in monthly payments, while variable rates provide flexibility to potentially benefit from market fluctuations. Our team provides expert guidance to help you make informed decisions that align with your financial objectives and market conditions.

Suitable for experienced operators with robust track record

Our commercial investment mortgage products are designed for seasoned professionals and businesses with a proven track record in managing commercial properties. We recognize and reward experience in the industry by offering competitive terms and personalized solutions that reflect your expertise and investment acumen.

VAT loans available for qualifying commercial properties:

Alpha Capital offers VAT loans tailored for qualifying commercial properties, easing the financial burden associated with Value Added Tax (VAT) payments on property acquisitions. This specialized financing option helps streamline your cash flow management and enhances the affordability of acquiring VAT-liable commercial assets, ensuring a smooth and efficient transaction process.

Commercial Finance Brokers

Apply for a minimum of £100,000

At Alpha Capital, we understand the importance of flexibility when it comes to commercial investment mortgages. Whether you’re an individual or a company, our mortgage solutions are designed to cater to your investment needs. You have the option to apply for a minimum mortgage amount of £100,000, allowing you to pursue a range of investment opportunities in the commercial property market.

Spread the cost over 5 to 25 years

We believe in providing our clients with a mortgage term that suits their investment strategy and financial goals. With Alpha Capital, you can spread the cost of your commercial investment mortgage over a period of 5 to 25 years. This gives you the freedom to align your repayment schedule with your investment returns and maximize the potential of your property portfolio.
Borrow up to 80% of the property value. In some circumstances, we may be able to secure more funding (subject to additional security)

Securing adequate funding is essential when it comes to commercial property investment. With Alpha Capital, you can borrow up to 80% of the property value, giving you substantial financial support to acquire or refinance commercial properties. In certain circumstances, we may even be able to secure additional funding beyond the 80% threshold, subject to additional security. Our dedicated team will assess your investment proposal and work closely with our network of lenders to negotiate the best funding package on your behalf.

Choose between fixed or variable rates

Having the flexibility to choose between fixed or variable rates is crucial for commercial property investors. At Alpha Capital, we offer you the option to select the interest rate structure that best suits your investment strategy. Fixed rates provide stability and predictability, ensuring that your monthly mortgage payments remain consistent over the agreed term. Variable rates, on the other hand, offer the potential for savings if interest rates decrease. Our team will provide you with comprehensive advice to help you make an informed decision based on market conditions and your investment objectives.

Suitable for experienced operators with a robust track record

Commercial investment mortgages are specifically designed for experienced operators in the property investment market. At Alpha Capital, we understand the importance of a robust track record when it comes to securing financing for commercial properties. Our mortgage solutions are tailored to meet the needs of seasoned investors who have a proven track record of successful property investments. We will work closely with you to understand your investment history and structure a mortgage that reflects your experience and potential.

VAT loans available for qualifying commercial properties

For qualifying commercial properties, we offer VAT loans as part of our commercial investment mortgage solutions. VAT loans provide you with the necessary funds to cover the value-added tax (VAT) associated with the purchase of commercial properties. This ensures that you have the liquidity to complete your property transactions seamlessly. Our team will guide you through the VAT loan process and help you determine if your commercial property qualifies for this financing option.

Best Commercial Finance Brokers

Alpha Capital is your trusted partner when it comes to securing commercial investment mortgages. With our expertise, commitment to personalized service, and access to a wide network of lenders, we are well-equipped to guide you through the process. Our goal is to help you unlock the full potential of your commercial property investments and support your long-term success.
Contact us today to discuss your commercial investment mortgage requirements and experience the Alpha Capital difference. Together, we can navigate the complexities of commercial property financing and find the best mortgage solution that aligns with your investment goals.

Alpha Capital, Your Trusted Business Partner

Alpha Capital is a Commercial Finance Broker and not a Lender.

Alpha Capital is trading style of Alpha Capital & Debt Advisory Services Ltd, Company Number: 12557280.

Alpha Capital and Debt Advisory Services Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Our FCA number is 988370 and this can be checked by visiting Our registered address is Unit 3, 1st Floor, 6-7 St. Mary At Hill, London, EC3R 8EE. Company number 12557280.

We may receive commissions that will vary depending on the lender, product, or other permissible factors. The nature of any commission model will be confirmed to you before you proceed.

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